Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Honorable speaker Lorie Loe: WOC 2023

Join our Highly Potent WOC 2023: Hybrid Summit in Boston, Massachusetts, USA+ Online on October 16-18, 2023 to meet our honorable speaker Lorie Loe, The Sacred Binge, United States
Submit your abstracts at: https://obesityworldconference.com/submit-abstract

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Saturday, March 18, 2023

Key customer: Jeannette Paxia, Jeannette Paxia Pax Coaching, United States

"It's a great opportunity to meet our key customers- Jeannette Paxia, Jeannette Paxia Pax Coaching, United States

📢 Register now to attend https://obesityworldconference.com/register

#obesity #obesitysummit #weightlossdiet #weightlossjourney #weightmanagement #nutrition #diet #weightlosstransformation #genes #obesityconference #obesityevent #obesityawareness #obesitysurgery #bariatricsurgery #bariatricsurgeon #bariatric #obesityinwomen #obesityinmen #childobesity #childobesityawareness #obesityprevention #blackburncourse #obesitymedicine #liposuctiondiet #clinicalobesity #eatingdisorders #lifestylechanges #antiobesity #obesitycare


Friday, March 17, 2023

WOC 2023: Hybrid Event | Boston, Massachusetts, USA

 Participation is one of the best method to cultivate ideas", Join us and share your aspiring research work 3rd Edition of World Obesity and Weight Management Congress (WOC 2023: Hybrid Event) scheduled during October 16-18, 2023 and spread your research worldwide by attend In-person at Boston, Massachusetts, USA or Virtually and explore.


For more info, please visit: https://obesityworldconference.com/ 

#WeightManagementCongress #ObesityConference #ObesityConferences2023 #WeightManagementConferences2023 #ObesityEvents2023#WeightManagementCongress#ObesityConference#Obesity2023 #ObesityMeetings #WeightManagementConferences #ObesityCongressWorldWeight #ObesityEvents #LeadingObesityEvents #2023ObesityEven t#ObesityConferencesinUSA 


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Fakunle Ramotu Rachael A: WOC 2023: Hybrid Event

3rd Edition of World Obesity and Weight Management Congress is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues

Submit your abstract and be a speaker at WOC 2023 Magnus Conference

For abstract submission, please visit: https://obesityworldconference.com/submit-abstract

#WeightManagementCongress #ObesityConference #ObesityConferences2023 #WeightManagementConferences2023 #ObesityEvents2023 #WeightManagementCongress#ObesityConference#Obesity2023 #ObesityMeetings #WeightManagementConferences #ObesityCongressWorldWeight #ObesityEvents #LeadingObesityEvents #2023ObesityEven t#ObesityConferencesinUSA #bostonobes 


🔔 Don’t Miss Dr. Amy Gutman’s Inspiring Keynote—Register Now

🌟 We are honored to introduce our esteemed Keynote Speaker, Dr. Amy Gutman from AdventHealth; Tough Love MD, UnitedStates ! Dr. Gutman is a...