Monday, January 30, 2023

Early bird offers: WOC 2023 | Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Reserve your seat at “3rd Edition of World Obesity and Weight Management Congress (WOC 2023)” during #October 16-18, 2023 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and Virtually !!

Register soon to avail of Early bird offers.

#blackburncourse #obesitytreatment #obesitycancer #obesity #obesityawareness #obesitysurgery #diet #nutrition #weightlosstransformation #weightmanagement #weightloss #weightlossjourney


Sunday, January 29, 2023

First round of abstract submission dead;line- January 30, 2023 (WOC 2023: Hybrid Event)

Join the conversation for the "3rd Edition of World Obesity and Weight Management Congress (WOC 2023- Hybrid Event)" during October 16-18, 2023 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA by submitting your abstracts and share your research knowledge worldwide.

For abstract submission, please visit:

#blackburncourse #obesitytreatment #obesitycancer #obesity #obesityawareness #obesitysurgery #nutrition #diet #weightmanagement #weightlosstransformation


Friday, January 27, 2023

Keynote Speaker- Raffaele Pilla: WOC 2023 | Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Meet our Keynote Speaker Raffaele Pilla from St. John of God Hospital – Fatebenefratelli, Italy.

Join us at"3rd Edition of World Obesity and Weight Management Congress” during October 16-18, 2023 at Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

For more details, please visit:

#obesity #diet #Obese #weightgain #weightloss #weightmanagement #nutrition #lifestyle #obesitycancer #bariatricsurgery #womenobesity #eatingdisorders #blackburncourse #obesitytreatment #obesitysurgery 



Friday, January 20, 2023

WOC 2023: Hybrid Event | Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Participation is one of the best method to cultivate ideas", Join us and share your aspiring research work 3rd Edition of World Obesity and Weight Management Congress (WOC 2023: Hybrid Event) scheduled during October 16-18, 2023 and spread your research worldwide by attend In-person at Boston, Massachusetts, USA or Virtually and explore.

For more info, please visit:

#obesity #weightloss #weightgain #Diet

🔔 Don’t Miss Dr. Amy Gutman’s Inspiring Keynote—Register Now

🌟 We are honored to introduce our esteemed Keynote Speaker, Dr. Amy Gutman from AdventHealth; Tough Love MD, UnitedStates ! Dr. Gutman is a...